I was supposed to learn the Cappuccino Framework but for some important tasks I had to postpone learning. And I thought I can share the single step I made for building the source code.
Step 1: Get Source Code
I tried to use the source code available on their website, but I had a problem with the script. So I used the source code on GitHub.
1- Install a git client
2- Get Source Code
Step 2: Install Needed Packages
Browse to the cappuccino folder and rub a bootstrap that will install any needed packages
Note: On a fresh copy of Ubuntu 10.10, I had a message asking me to change from working with OpenJDK to SunJDK. So I had to install it first. And unfortunately it was no longer on the Multiverse section of the Ubuntu archive, so I searched to find the following commands:
Step 3: Compile Source Code
After restarting the shell, it is time to compile.
Thanks to Randy Luecke for helping.
Getting and Building the Source
Sun Java moved to the Partner repository
Choosing the default Java to use
Step 1: Get Source Code
I tried to use the source code available on their website, but I had a problem with the script. So I used the source code on GitHub.
1- Install a git client
$ $ sudo apt-get install git
2- Get Source Code
$ $ git clone git://github.com/280north/cappuccino.git cappuccino
Step 2: Install Needed Packages
Browse to the cappuccino folder and rub a bootstrap that will install any needed packages
cd ./cappuccino ./bootstrap.sh ================================================================================ Narwhal JavaScript platform is required. Install it automatically now? Enter "yes" or "no": yes ================================================================================ To use the default location, "/home/adly/narwhal", just hit enter/return, or enter another path: ================================================================================ Using Narwhal installation at "/home/adly/narwhal". Is this correct? Enter "yes" or "no": yes . . . ================================================================================ You must add Narwhal's "bin" directory to your PATH environment variable. Do this automatically now? "export PATH="/home/adly/narwhal/bin:$PATH"" will be appended to "/home/adly/.profile". Enter "yes" or "no": yes Added to "/home/adly/.profile". Restart your shell or run "source /home/adly/.profile". ================================================================================ Before building Cappuccino we recommend you set the $CAPP_BUILD environment variable to a path where you wish to build Cappuccino. This can be automatically set to the default value of "/home/adly/cappuccino/Build", or you can set $CAPP_BUILD yourself. "export CAPP_BUILD="/home/adly/cappuccino/Build"" will be appended to "/home/adly/.profile". Enter "yes" or "no": yes
Note: On a fresh copy of Ubuntu 10.10, I had a message asking me to change from working with OpenJDK to SunJDK. So I had to install it first. And unfortunately it was no longer on the Multiverse section of the Ubuntu archive, so I searched to find the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ maverick partner" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sudo update-alternatives --config java
Step 3: Compile Source Code
After restarting the shell, it is time to compile.
$ cd ./cappuccino/ ~/cappuccino$ jake install No command 'jake' found ~/cappuccino$ export PATH="/home/adly/narwhal/bin:$PATH" ~/cappuccino$ jake
Thanks to Randy Luecke for helping.
Getting and Building the Source
Sun Java moved to the Partner repository
Choosing the default Java to use
I have a problem. I can't use 'jake' command even I exported path in the last row. I can't find any link which explain to install 'jake' on ubuntu. How did you install it?
ReplyDeleteI did not use other external links. I just found the jakefile inside my directory after step 2. Maybe you can search for it inside your directory in case the paths changed in later versions.