Tuesday, June 29, 2010

C++ for Beginners: 2/2

هذا هو الجزء الثاني من C++ for Beginners و هدفه الأساسي التعريف ببعض الـ IDEs المستخدمة لإنشاء برامج C++ ذات واجهة رسومية GUI. لقد استخدمت اثنين بشكل أساسي و هما
Visual Studio
بالإضافة لمن رشّحوا استخدام NetBeans و Eclipse  و لكن لم أستخدمهم بعد. لذلك سأكتفي بالمقارنة بين ما استخدمته.

Visual Studio : Works only on Windows
Qt: Works on Windows, Linux, Mac, Symbian … You just recompile your project on that platform to make a copy for it.
But if you only develop on Windows, this piece of info is not important.

GUI Design:
I liked the GUI in Qt much more than Visual Studio, because it has many useful elements, a variety of 3rd party classes, and a very very  important feature called ‘Layout’. It means that if you change the size of program window, the design will still fit inside it.

The debugging in Visual Studio is easier when debugging very big programs. But for normal programs, both Visual Studio and Qt are fine.

IntelliSense  (auto complete):
Both are fine, but Visual Studio has a more fancy one.

Event Handling:
Qt uses something called ‘Signals and Slots’ which makes event handling a lot easier than Visual Studio.

Documentation and Help:
Visual Studio is very popular, so there are a lot of forums that can help you. There are also lots of forums for Qt but not as much as Visual Studio.
For documentation, I found the documentation of Qt  more helpful than the MSDN of Visual Studio

بالنسبة لي فأنا أفضّل Qt أكثر من Visual Studio... و لكن يمكنكم أن تختبروهما و أي IDE آخر  تختارونه. ففي النهاية كل شخص يختار بناء على خبرات أو نقاط ذات اهتمام أكثر من الأخرى.

Websites to help:


Qt Free Reference:

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