This is one
post in a series of posts related to CSE 321 - Software Engineering
project for ASU CSE 2017 students. The series starts from setting up the
environment, to planning the work on the website project, to
After Installing Lubuntu/Ubuntu in a VM in part 1, we want to prepare it for development.
Thinking about the required project, this is what I want to install.
Install Guest Additions
Now we need to install some additional packages to add more power to our VM. This will make our job easier in scaling the VM window (and keeping the aspect ratio), and enables copy&paste between the VM and the host computer to easily follow the next instructions.
If you have a toolbar in the outer VM window, go to Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image.... If you cannot find the toolbar, press Right Ctrl + Home buttons and the menu should appear. (if you still fail, press Right Ctrl + C and search for the toolbar again)
Once you do this, a virtual CD will be mounted (inserted) into the machine to install some additional packages.
In case of Ubuntu, the process should start immediately once you click Run in the box that will appear.
In case of Lubuntu, you will have something like this:
Click OK. Then run in the window that will appear (this is the content of the virtual CD).
Then choose Execute.
Authorize the script to have additional privileges by entering your password and pressing OK.
The script will run for a few seconds, installing some packages. Once finished you will have to press Enter to exit.
Extra: In case of Lubuntu, you need to install another package. Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or clicking the start menu -> System Tools -> XTerm. Then type (you cannot copy at this point):
Now shutdown the machine, go to this VM Settings -> General -> Advanced tab, and set Shared Clipboard to Bidirectional. This way you can copy instructions from your host OS to the VM terminal, and copy any error message you face from the VM terminal to -for example- your browser in the host OS.
Now let's start the VM again.
This time, try to copy any text (for example, a url) from your host OS. Then search for Firefox browser in the VM and paste it. It works!
One more thing has happened. If you resize the VM window, it will scale and keeps the aspect ratio. If you find the screen is getting 'compressed' and losing the correct ratio, press Right Ctrl + C.
Now we have a clean and helpful environment to work with.
Let's start with the development installations. Open the terminal and get ready!
Install Ruby
(references used: DigitalOcean, GoRails)
First there are some packages to install before Ruby.
Update out package list
Install git, curl, and some other packages for compilation (~90MB)
Now install rbenv (the tool for manging Ruby versions, better than installing Ruby directly)
Next, install Ruby and set the installed version to be the default. (this will take a while to download and compile)
Now if you type
Let's add one more step, disable documentation installation. We do not need them.
Install Bundler Gem
This is the first gem to install. It is responsible for handling later gems in Rails projects.
Install Rails
When it finishes, if you type
Install Node.js
Node.js is a platform for development using Javascript. Rails uses Node.js in a certain step when joining multiple Javascript files together for better performance. You may not need this at first, but let's setup the environment the right way for future use and future reference.
After Installing Lubuntu/Ubuntu in a VM in part 1, we want to prepare it for development.
Thinking about the required project, this is what I want to install.
- Ruby
- Rails
- PostgresSQL (or MySQL)
- Node.js
- Git
- Gitg (a graphical tool to use with Git)
- Atom editor (or you can install Sublime if you like)
Install Guest Additions
Now we need to install some additional packages to add more power to our VM. This will make our job easier in scaling the VM window (and keeping the aspect ratio), and enables copy&paste between the VM and the host computer to easily follow the next instructions.
If you have a toolbar in the outer VM window, go to Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image.... If you cannot find the toolbar, press Right Ctrl + Home buttons and the menu should appear. (if you still fail, press Right Ctrl + C and search for the toolbar again)
Once you do this, a virtual CD will be mounted (inserted) into the machine to install some additional packages.
In case of Ubuntu, the process should start immediately once you click Run in the box that will appear.
In case of Lubuntu, you will have something like this:
Click OK. Then run in the window that will appear (this is the content of the virtual CD).
Then choose Execute.
Authorize the script to have additional privileges by entering your password and pressing OK.
The script will run for a few seconds, installing some packages. Once finished you will have to press Enter to exit.
Extra: In case of Lubuntu, you need to install another package. Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or clicking the start menu -> System Tools -> XTerm. Then type (you cannot copy at this point):
sudo apt-get install --yes virtualbox-guest-dkmsThen enter your password when it asks for it (it will download about 60MB).
Now shutdown the machine, go to this VM Settings -> General -> Advanced tab, and set Shared Clipboard to Bidirectional. This way you can copy instructions from your host OS to the VM terminal, and copy any error message you face from the VM terminal to -for example- your browser in the host OS.
Now let's start the VM again.
This time, try to copy any text (for example, a url) from your host OS. Then search for Firefox browser in the VM and paste it. It works!
One more thing has happened. If you resize the VM window, it will scale and keeps the aspect ratio. If you find the screen is getting 'compressed' and losing the correct ratio, press Right Ctrl + C.
Now we have a clean and helpful environment to work with.
Let's start with the development installations. Open the terminal and get ready!
Install Ruby
(references used: DigitalOcean, GoRails)
First there are some packages to install before Ruby.
Update out package list
sudo apt-get update
Install git, curl, and some other packages for compilation (~90MB)
sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev
Now install rbenv (the tool for manging Ruby versions, better than installing Ruby directly)
cd git clone git:// .rbenv echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc git clone git:// ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Next, install Ruby and set the installed version to be the default. (this will take a while to download and compile)
rbenv install -v 2.2.3 rbenv global 2.2.3
Now if you type
ruby -vyou will see the default ruby version.
Let's add one more step, disable documentation installation. We do not need them.
echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
Install Bundler Gem
This is the first gem to install. It is responsible for handling later gems in Rails projects.
gem install bundler
Install Rails
gem install rails -v 4.2.5
When it finishes, if you type
rails -vyou will see the default rails version.
Install Node.js
Node.js is a platform for development using Javascript. Rails uses Node.js in a certain step when joining multiple Javascript files together for better performance. You may not need this at first, but let's setup the environment the right way for future use and future reference.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Now type
node -vto check the installed version.
Install PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is the biggest competitor to MySQL database. It is getting more popular, so it is nice to stay up-to-date and give it a try. But don't be scared. at first, it will not matter if you use MySQL or PostgreSQL because most of your interactions will be through Rails. (You can skip it and install MySQL)
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb precise-pgdg main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list" wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-common sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-9.4 libpq-dev
Create PostgreSQL User
The last step is to create a new db user for later.
sudo -u postgres createuser cse -sIf you would like to set a password for the user, you can do the following
sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# \password csethen enter the password you like.
Install MySQL
Use this command to install MySQL server and client.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-devWhen prompted, you can choose to enter a password for the root user of MySQL or leave it blank. Whatever you choose, then use the down arrow to go to OK line and hit enter.
The root user has access to all databases. It is not safe to use it in production environment. It is better to create a new user for each project and give access to project's database only. But since this is a development environment, we can use root user.
Install Atom Editor
Now we need a nice editor to help us with developmen. Recently, I switched from Sublime Text to Atom Editor. So I will continue with using Atom. Feel free to use whatever you want.
You can install Atom by downloading the installer (*.deb) from their home page, or install it from the terminal. To avoid explaining how to share folders between VM and host, I will install it from the terminal. You can follow my steps or download the installer from the VM browser.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install atom
Install Gitg
The last optional step is to install Gitg. It is a graphical interface to use Git. It make things a bit easier when it comes to committing changes, reviewing history, and other operations you may need.
sudo apt-get install gitg
That's all folks! Your machine is ready. You can compress the machine and share it with others or keep it as a backup as a ready-to-use machine.