Friday, December 26, 2014

Hijri Date Widget and JSON API

Here is a mini project I've been using for myself and thought it can be useful for someone out there. A simple SVG based date widget + a JSON API for Hijri date.

It has two interfaces: widget.php and api.php. With some features to make them a bit customizable.
  • Responsive widget to fit in different sizes.
  • Customizable color for widget.
  • A JSON API for services.
  • Ability to choose computer calculations or official date by Egyptian Dar-Aliftaa.
  • An offset for fine tuning errors.
  • Choise of month name or number.
To read more about the the Hijri widget and API, please refer to the docs: ---- (no longer hosted, please refer to the GitHub repository) ----

Thursday, July 31, 2014

PalMap - Get Palestine Back on Google Maps

If you are a user of Google Maps, and you care about Palestine, and you get disgusted by the word "Israel" appearing on the map, here is a solution.

PalMap is a javascript library to get Palestine back on Google Maps. It does not require much. Just copy palmap.js file and img/palmap folder, add two lines in your html file, and Palestine is back on Google Maps!

PalMap is still in an early stage, aiming to reshape this part of the map and get all the names back to their original ones.

For more info about the library, please go to PalMap repository on GitHub:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Installing Multiple Redis Versions on Ubuntu

Sometimes, for testing purpose as example, a developer needs to install and run different versions of Redis Server for different projects. And since I do not like wasting time on haching config files and pid files, this is the easiest way I use to run the desired Redis Server version.

It is as simple as downloading, compiling, and running the compiled server:
$ wget
$ tar xzf redis-2.8.9.tar.gz
$ cd redis-2.8.9
$ make
$ ./redis-server

If the version is older, you may not find it on So try a URL like:

That's it. Enjoy!